• Lalvin EC-1118 kampavínsger
Kampavínsger. Getur verið hentugt til að nota til að koma vandræða gerjunum í gang. Hentar vel í mjaðargerð.
The EC-1118 yeast has been isolated in Champagne and its use is validated by the 
Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC). Its strong competitive 
character, its ability to ferment at low temperature, good flocculation and excellent 
alcohol tolerance, make the EC-1118 an excellent strain to be used in a wide range of 
applications (such as sparkling wines, fruit wines and ciders). 

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Lalvin EC-1118 kampavínsger

  • Merki: Lalvin
  • Vörunúmer: ec-1118
  • Framboð: Á Lager
  • 590kr