• Kúltúr - Sýrður Rjómi - Creme Fraiche
Add Creme Fraiche culture to light cream for a sweet and delicious cultured treat. There are many ways to enjoy Creme Fraiche including drizzling over fresh fruit or a warm bisque, added to a smoothy, used in cooking.

When drained slightly, it will become a thick and creamy Mascarpone. When draining it is fabulous on sweet bread or even stuffed into dates.

    (LLC) Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris
    (LL) Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
    (LLD) Lactococcus lactis subsp. biovar diacetylactis
    Microbial coagulant enzyme

Store in freezer

Each of the five packets will make 1 quart of creme fraiche

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Kúltúr - Sýrður Rjómi - Creme Fraiche

  • Vörunúmer: C33
  • Framboð: Á Lager
  • 1.600kr