• Mangrove Jacks M31 - Belgian Tripel

Provides a fantastic complex marriage of spice, fruity esters, phenolics and alcohol. It is also very attenuative with a high alcohol tolerance making it perfect for a range of Belgian styles.

Suitable for Belgian Tripel and Trappist style beers.

Attenuation: Very High (82 - 92%)

Flocculation: Medium

Usage Directions: Sprinkle directly on up to 23 L (6 US Gal) of wort. For best results, ferment at 18-28 degrees C (64-82 degrees F).

Storage Recommendations: Store in the fridge.

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Mangrove Jacks M31 - Belgian Tripel

  • Vörunúmer: M31
  • Framboð: Á Lager
  • 900kr